Saturday, August 9, 2008

Good health

Here I am, a year plus into my beading fantasy. Some changes in my personal life. The big one: my depression has lifted. It's just gone. God, time, the medication, getting older, or some combination of all these, something has finally closed the gaping wound in my heart that has ached since I was nine years old. When I poke around inside my psyche, nothing hurts anymore! Strange, but true. I'm at peace. Full of joy. Life feels great, wonderful, I'm thankful to be alive. I don't want to hide, or crouch under the covers, or ignore the world. Life is sweet.

About three weeks ago, I started exercising three or four times a week at Curves. I love it. (I started after the miracle, not before. ) I look forward to going and hate to miss a session. I'm doing it for my health, to get stronger, eventually to lose some weight, but mostly because it feels so good and my body says it needs it. I work as hard as I feel like at the moment. I'm doing this most days of the week. It's not a marathon, and it's not a question of "going for the burn." I always work up a sweat and enjoy my shower when I get home. It's a great way to start the day. If Isaiah is still coming in September (he's a little boy I babysit before school three or four days a week) I'll go right after he leaves. Right now, I get up, have my tea and toast, and then I go. I come home feeling so virtuous. Check my emails, then hit the beading table. There's work to do for a few hours before household chores catch up with me. It's a good life.


Rhoto said...

Oh Sue, I am so VERY HAPPY for you!! What a wonderful way to lose a zillion pounds, eh--when the Depression lifts!!
Lots and lots of soft hugs,
Rhonda in Montreal (PR)

Ellen said...

What a nice thing to read of - your depression is gone! I wonder if the sparklie beads helped with that? Beading sure is a calm, peaceful past time!

The Beading Gem said...

Wonderful news! Your positive attitude is inspirational!

Sharon House said...

This is wonderful news and thanks for sharing it with us. I can relate to how your body feels after exercising... I am a water aerobics fan not because it's good for me but because it feels so good when I am done. I like the "high" from all those feel good endorphins. Keep up the great work!


Let it Shine said...

Wow! I am so glad that you are feeling well!

Thank you so much for kleaving such a kind, sweet and thoughtful comment on my blog. Both my parents and my husband have said something about it, and it has more than made my day!

Take care, and God bless!


Kamoe said...

Hello Sue:
We do not know us but I visit your blog and your story sounds so familar to me. My way was nearly similar and I can tell you that you are on a good way. The more I say go for the beading project. It's not neccessary to get it with the first step. The effort comes with every step you go and the way is the goal. If you need any help feel free to contact me.
BTW thank you once again for your comment at my blog.
Best wishes Karin